Connecting an Iphone to exchange without a certificate

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This can be tricky but here are the instructions.

Stolen from above site….

If your server doesn’t enforce certificate use (i.e., it will allow plaintext connections), you can use the following procedure to save your account information, then to disable SSL.

  1. Select Settings, Mail
  2. Select Add Account...
  3. Select Other
  4. Enter all of your relevant email account details
  5. Select the Save button. At this point, you will be presented with an ‘invalid certificate’ warning.
  6. Select the Cancel button; you will be returned to the account details screen
  7. Select the Save button; ignore the warning that ‘you may not be able to send email’
  8. Open the settings for your new mail account and select the Advanced button
  9. Use the sliders to disable SSL for mail receiving/sending. Be sure to check the port numbers to ensure they’re valid for your particular email server

You should now be able to send/receive email, albeit without the security of SSL.

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